Wednesday, October 10, 2012

An Apple a Day...

Much to my hearts dismay, and a lot of fans, good cooking pumpkins wouldn't be ready in our area for a few weeks. I had to shift tracks from our original pumpkin spice tequila to another fall treat. So what else goes well with a hearty meal than some old fashioned apple pie! After scouting our local selection of apples, I decided on a mix of breburn and granny smith to give it a balanced flavor. I then let it marinate with a satchel of spices; clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, orange peal, and all spice. The resulting liquor had a tangy warm flavor that made us very happy! For the cocktail we shook it with tres leches liquor (creamy and hints of vanilla and cinnamon), and cinnamon Kahlua. I won't speak to its ability to keep medical professionals at bay but it is a great drink to celebrate the start of winter!